How to avoid burn out during the wedding planning stage
May 4, 2017 / Bridal & Dress Jewellery
Wedding planning can be a tiring and sometimes not so fun experience. It can become daunting to plan the perfect wedding because we all want this to be the one and only time we will do this. Every aspect must be perfect so that we can cherish this memory forever.
However, just this thought adds pressure and stress as you plan every detail of this journey. Not forgetting the possible added pressure of impressing your guests with the most lavish and unique wedding they have ever attended.
Now let me stop you right there! Planning your wedding doesn’t have to be stressful. You have to remember to stay sane through the process because the last thing you want is to end up in a mental asylum and missing out on your wedding altogether. Yes that’s a bit extreme, but in reality the percentage of friendships and family ties that fall apart due to the pressures and stress of planning a wedding can be significant.
So what can you do to avoid pulling your hair out? Here are some useful and simple life hacks that can be used in any situation and more to the point when planning your wedding.
Start by writing a ‘to do’ list.
List all your ‘to-dos’ and make sure you tick them off as you go. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and helps to track how well you are going and the things that are still remaining. It will also bring you one step closer towards your end goal.

Start by writing a list
Set reasonable goals.
Plan for your budget or budget for your plan. Be reasonable, the only person that cares as much about your wedding is you and your fiancé, so do what will lead you both to the best outcome together. Don’t stray too much from the plans, this way you can ensure you are not going off track or making rash decisions. When in doubt, refer back to your list.
Give yourself a time limit for each task.
Setting time limits can sometimes add to the stress of the situation. It is important to that you don’t try to tackle everything all at once as this is usually a recipe for disaster. Instead, prioritize the most important tasks first.Once this is done you can then write down some time limits on your planner or calendar. Visuals are excellent for tracking how you are going and for referring back.
Once this is done you can then write down some time limits on your planner or calendar.
Give yourself a time limit for each task
Ask your family and friends to help you.
It is ok to ask for help as long as they are not taking over. It is important to set expectations and reasonable boundaries early on in this process. Remember, it is your wedding. So ask those family members or friends that are genuinely interested in making this the most beautiful experience for you.
Have some fun during the wedding preparation
Have some fun.
Take a little break and give yourself some time to do things that are not wedding related. This will help you clear your head and also approach the task with a clear mind. Go for a massage, go out with your friends or take that time out to enjoy the things you’ve always enjoyed doing. It is easy to let the planning process take over your whole life, but it is also necessary to step away from it where possible. Sometimes the best ideas come to us when we have taken that much needed time out, this doesn’t mean you are neglecting the wedding planning responsibilities, it just means you are making time to tap into much needed you time.
You do not want to remember the time leading up to your wedding as the most stressful period of your life. If for some reason you find yourself feeling stressed, always go back to where it all began, that authentic, innocent yet magical reason you are doing it all, and remember the love you have for one another.