The Most Popular Coloured Sapphire Engagement Rings
The beautiful sapphire has introduced colour to the world of engagement rings. More and more ladies are opting for a sapphire engagement...
READ MOREThe beautiful sapphire has introduced colour to the world of engagement rings. More and more ladies are opting for a sapphire engagement...
READ MOREFor the bride who has grown up dreaming of the prettiest ring, the combination of rose gold and pink gemstones is undeniably...
READ MOREWhen it comes to expressing eternal love and commitment there are few gestures that are as meaningful as an engagement ring. Diamonds...
READ MORESapphires are all the rage at the moment; in particular the stunning Ceylon and Australian Blue Sapphires. With celebrities setting trends worldwide...
READ MOREDiamonds are not the only option, have you explored the idea of a coloured stone engagement ring? Many prefer a splash of...
READ MOREIt’s hard to deny how striking rings with black gemstones are, especially when they’re paired with contrasting white metal and a well...
READ MOREGreen and yellow have been some of the hottest colours of 2022 for engagement ring designs, so naturally emeralds have been a favourite...
READ MORECustom designing an engagement ring means you can draw on many different design eras for inspiration. The Art Deco style features prominently...
READ MORE珍珠作为已知最古老的宝石,自古以来就备受珍视。在历史上,珍珠被佩戴在社会上最精英的成员的颈项上,象征着权力和智慧,并被缝在服装上展示财富和社会地位。它们对许多世界各地的文化都非常重要,甚至在一些古代宗教文本中也被提及。 珍珠是由牡蛎创造的,也是唯一来自活生生的生物的宝石。它们有许多形状和大小,其中圆形最受欢迎。珠宝中使用的大多数珍珠由一种叫做“珍珠母”的材料层组成,这种材料由有机和无机物质组成。这就是为什么有珍珠贝母的珍珠具有独特的虹彩光泽。 天然珍珠非常稀有且有价值;今天市场上大多数珍珠都是培育的,这意味着它们是在人造农场中生产的。所有的珍珠都是淡水或海水,尽管这些组别内有许多不同的品种。淡水珍珠是由河流、湖泊和池塘中的贻贝制造的,而海水珍珠则是由几种海洋牡蛎制造的。有些珍珠可能需要一到三年的时间才能生长,每只牡蛎通常只能产生两到三颗珍珠。 珍珠 珍珠是六月份的生日石,传统上也是第三个结婚纪念日的礼物。它们被认为可以为佩戴者带来好运和保护,这也是它们受到皇室和贵族青睐的另一个原因。如今,它们用于各种珠宝,但依然美丽时尚。由于珍珠母的柔软性,它们比较脆弱,因此在珍珠珠宝方面需要额外小心,以确保其不会被划伤或损坏。珍珠耳环是展示这种独特宝石之美的经典和流行选择。 珍珠适合作为订婚戒指吗? 珍珠容易受损,因此不是日常戒指的理想选择。珍珠非常适合用于偶尔佩戴的戒指或礼服戒指。
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